Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The Masculine Dance

[The power and sway of men's hips as they dance is entrancing to the eye and highly sexual. More American men should consider dancing seriously to flaunt their virtues to the female of the species. Note: Saint Vitus is the patron saint of dancers.]

"My Soul is in My Pants" [by David McNamara]

My Soul Is in My Pants

Call me Rocco, the little brother of Saint Vitus.
I've got waxy eyelashes, a flexible pelvis

And can sort through the card catalog

Of all your mystical categories

With the power of my tango.

Are you surprised by my Latin thrusts?

Didn't you know you'd set off

These seismic rumbas

With your cocktail shaker

And mocha eyes?

Didn't you know you'd lose your balance,

You'd lose your breath

When my sacrum popped in want of you?

Doesn't it bore into your database

Like the worm wriggling at the bottom of a tequila bottle?

You looked and I danced.

You asked and I said yes.

That's not my phone. That's not my wallet.

That's my soul.

My soul is in my pants.

-- David McNamara

Source: The Best American Poetry

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