Saturday, September 18, 2010

Quality of Life PowerPoint

How should we measure the quality of life?

I gave a PowerPoint presentation to the English Club at Villa Washington on Thursday, September 16, 2010. Critical thinking about quality of life issues is a relevant activity for students learning English in the Congo. Here is a list of the questions they discussed in small groups on Thursday night.

u Does technology change your quality of life?

u What are the indicators of quality of life? How should we measure it worldwide?

u What do you need personally for a great quality of life?

u Describe your quality of life on a scale of 1 to 10.

u How does the environment in Brazzaville affect your quality of life? What can you do to improve the quality of your life in your city or country?

u What should your government do to improve the quality of life for all its citizens?

u What does having children do to your quality of life?

u Can money alone buy quality of life? How much money do you need?

u Will your quality of life get better or worse in the next 10 years? Explain.


Unknown said...

Raingirl, funny you would mention this. I was thinking about the quality of life of Americans the other day and came to a conclusion most of the world knows: We are spoiled bitches!! I look at the way some people act when they can't buy the simplest little thing. Around most of the worl quality of life is spending a quiet time with family and friends, enjoying a good meal, and living in peace. There is no materialism or superficial mentality. I think we can learn from the world.

Ljtheraingirl said...

Al, You speak wise words.