Thursday, February 16, 2012

Durga Power

Stone for carving beautiful Hindu deities is piled high in the city of Mamallapuram on January 23, 2012.

Durga was carved in stone in the city of Mamallapuram. She has eight or ten hands, which suggest that she protects the devotees of Hinduism from all directions.

Hanuman Temple in Hampi - February 2, 2012

Hampi is the birthplace of the monkey king Hanuman. Hanuman plays an important role in the Indian epic the Ramayana. In the Ramayana, Sita, the wife of Prince Rama, is kidnapped by the demon Ravana. Hanuman commands his army of monkeys to build a bridge from India to the island of Lanka where Sita was being held captive.

Prince Rama rode into Lanka on Hanuman's shoulders and fired an arrow into Ravana, killing the demon and liberating Sita.

The Hindu deity, Ganesha, is in human form with the head of an elephant. Ganesha represents the power of the supreme being to remove obstacles and ensure success in human endeavors.

I call on you Ganesha to clear the obstacles in my path!

[sticker on a car in Southern India in February 2012]

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