Monday, June 20, 2011

Beautiful: Biutiful

Visualizing Perfection

The misspelling of the word beautiful in the title of the film Biutiful is the unrealized potential of an ideal nuclear family- husband, wife, son and daughter- split bipolar and divorced at the seams. The soft spot in the heart of the main character, Uxbal, represents Everyman navigating through a world that elevates money and profit above human welfare and relationships. Uxbal is in the middle of a business venture that both employs and exploits illegal Chinese and Senegalese immigrants in Spain. His weakness and his strength is that he forms relationships with the immigrants, caring about the quality of their food, shelter and clothing or lack thereof.

Eyes wide open listening to the storm outside, while thinking about the messages in the film, I wonder why the human mind can envision perfection if we can never reach it.

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